sábado, 13 de novembro de 2010

A boy running (Anne Crystie)

À ele, não sei bem quem, sei bem onde,
pela recordação/acorda-ação provocada.

Crédito da imagem: Anne Crystie.

A boy running
Escrito por Anne Crystie.

I didn't see a boy running
But I saw the time.

A old man
Sitting on a too old chair.
He didn't see the time either.

Feeling a world:
Its desires
Its surprises
Its identities.

Discovering a secret:
Its years old
Its parents
Its shoes' number.

Living a son:
His firsts frights
His eleventh birthday
His sisters.

Sitting on a chair:
His favorite radio
His nose's hair
His photography.

Tomorrow don't exist!
I didn't see a boy
He either.

This is the present
But, I keep seeing the time.

Um comentário:

  1. Hey, as if it was not enough writing well in Portuguese, you dabble in English letters with such a verve that is astounding! Congratulations! Keep up the very good work!

    Kisses, tenderly...



O que eu te falo nunca é o que te falo e sim outra coisa. (Clarice Lispector)